Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Wishing I was a Puppy...

Do you know why puppies are so lucky? They can cuddle someone they care about when they're upset and not look like a complete creeper... :( That's one of the main reasons I wish I was one. If I was a puppy would I be able to comfort the ones I love better? Sometimes when my friends are upset I don't know what to say. Sometimes I just want to hug them or snuggle them to make them feel better but am too afraid to because I don't know if I'll just make it worse. :(

What can I say? I have never been good at talking to people when they're upset. I suppose that not everyone wants to be hugged when they're upset. When I was little sometimes I just wanted to be hugged and even now I still feel this way. I wouldn't consider myself a "touchy feely" person but hugs just make me feel wanted. I'm like a puppy in the sense that I can't stand to be alone. I get sad and start thinking about the sadness.

I've been told by many to stop acting like a puppy but I can never seem to...something deep inside makes me act this way and I feel that I will lose a part of myself if I do. Behaving like this is a way for me to express how much I care and sometimes I even end up licking people's cheeks or cuddling up to them. I don't mean to be clingy or weird I just find this to be an easier way of expressing my love or concern.

I know...I'm a silly girl but it's better than not being able to show how I feel or be able to reach out at all. So far I have not licked anyone and I've been trying to behave more like a normal human being but I really don't know how much longer I'll be able to. After all, seeing one of my friends upset triggers this feeling to well up inside of me and make me feel I need to comfort them.

I worry about my friends when they get upset and I want them to smile. :) Sometimes actions really do speak louder than words.

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