Sunday, October 19, 2008

Election of 2008

Okay, I have not been following the election much so I'll do my best!

The last presidential debate was actually the first one I saw and from my perspective, McCain was acting like a child. The looks he gave Obama as he spoke were absolutely ridiculous. Also when Obama said that 100% of McCain's campaigns were negative he tried to say they weren't. I've seen his campaigns on the television and even I could see that was a lie. It seems that McCain is more concentrated on ways he can make Obama look bad than what he is going to do about the issues our nation has. Hence this...

Also McCain seems to say whatever is convenient at the time...

Clearly he is not fond of owning up to what he said if it is not what the people he is with want to hear. Very interesting don't you agree?

After seeing the debate and watching these videos I really dislike McCain. It seems that he cannot own up to what he says if it means risking his popularity.

There is also a rumor I'd like to address about McCain and Palin calling Obama a terrorist. It is causing people to think that Obama is actually one. Due to these comments many people are more like a "McCain mob" then anything else.

See? I also want to bring up something Palin said, "I'm sure that some will say, 'Jeez, they're getting kinda negative' no it's not negativity it's truthfulness." Is it really??? Judging from all the things McCain has said about Obama that have been PROVEN false does she have any right to bold face lie? No.

I have lost all respect for McCain as of now. How can we trust someone like him as our next president when he cannot even tell the truth? How can we trust a president who behaves like a child. How can we trust a man who preys on the ignorance of the people to get the votes? How can we trust McCain? The answer: we CANNOT.

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1 comment:

niia G said...

thats stupid how obama wants kinder kids to learn about sex ed. thats too early to learn about that.