Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Wex Journal: The Abyss (2/23/09)

The abyss, which lies within the deep craters or the ocean's bowels, is a place of darkness and untold stories. A world in which all creatures from sailor's tales come to life. Both mystic and wonderful to manipulative and black hearted.

It is in this kingdom that Byakurai resides, an adolescent merman with teal hair and sunset coloured eyes. In his mind, which is ripe for mischief and new discovery, he wants to show his world to the stranglings above the ocean's life, in the strange mental contraptions that soar above his head. The many other creatures of the abyss reject this idea with bitter hearts saying that it is the secret of their existence that keeps the so called mythical sea life from chaos and dismay but Byakurai sees in a different light.

To him it is the darkness that keeps them bound. The darkness in which they are forced to hide from man. What would anyone in the abyss know of utopia being forever trapped within the darkness of the sea for so long? They don't know what wonders exist just beyond the sea.

A strange place that seems so unreal but is just beyond the world he knows.

Advice (5/20/09)

The petite Chinese sighed and rolled onto her back as her pale green eyes traveled to the door that was a mere three feet away from where she was stationed on her bed. Her eyes began to water as she recalled all of the things that had happened, mostly all of the things she had said to Noe before the mission had ended.

Noe showing her psychopathic tendencies as she slayed the demon. Shu Fang had been thrown against the wall by the very creature and it would have killed her in an instant if Noe hadn't have intervened but the way Noe got when she killed scared her more than any demonic power on this earth or the next.

She wanted to stop imagining Noe covered in blood and laughing as the demon fell before her. That laugh made her sick to her stomach. It wasn't Noe anymore. In that moment she was just another demon. The next thing Shu Fang had an impulse to kill.

She had stopped laughing to look back at Shu Fang who was shaking in the pile of rubble she had created upon hitting the wall. Noe froze, she had completely forgotten Shu Fang was present.

"Shu..." she started, approaching the teal haired Chinese slowly as if she were trying to pet a wild animal. "Are you all right..."

"*BU SHI!!!!!!! DOU BI KAI!!!! GUAI WU!!!!!!" (No! Stay away! Monster!)

Noe quickly stepped away from her partner. The only time Shu Fang ever spoke in Chinese was when she was scared, very scared.

"I'm sorry." she stated sadly, the malice draining from her eyes as she began to walk away from the terrified Shu Fang who sat shaking and crying alone with the demon corpse for company.

'Why did I say that to her?' she questioned, her mind replaying the moment over and over like a rewinding tape. 'How could I hurt her so crassly?'

Sure Noe had scared her but it wasn't as if she never tried to make herself appear less frightening. Shu Fang didn't even fully comprehend the source of this fear. There was just something about her presence, something about her eyes that seemed fake. This falseness was what pushed her away. Without the truth of a person's eyes Shu Fang was blind. She needed that to trust.

The door creaked open causing her to jump and her thoughts to scatter. 'Was it her?' she though, immediately feeling guilt for the mental comment. She caught sight of short and choppy dirty blond hair and sighed in relief. It was Sabrina.

"Hey kiddo..." she cooed gently, shutting the door behind her softly and taking a seat next to Shu Fang who was now sitting Indian style on the bed.

"I heard what happened."

Shu Fang tensed, where was Sabi going to go with this and how could she know?

"Listen kiddo..." she started, putting an arm around the little Chinese, "Noe really doesn't mean to scare you."

"I know..." Shu Fang sighed.

Sabrina sighed aswell.

"You see, she just has difficultly feeling certain things and some of the things she does feel aren't necessarily healthy..."

She was referring to the blood lust.

"But I know she'd never hurt you."

"I'm not scared of that." Shu Fang said simply.

Sabrina's eyebrows raised a bit at the statement curiously.

"Oh?" she questioned, "Then what is it you feel hun?"

Shu Fang tensed once more, now beginning to fiddle with her over sized white shirt.

"It's not that I think she'll hurt me but," she paused, finding the words to say. "I'm afraid that...that one day..." the tears welled as she finished her statement and the fear was fully realised. "She'll hurt herself."

Sabrina smiled and hugged the younger woman tightly as she began to cry into her shoulder. She pet her head instinctively as she shushed her.

"There, there," she cooed, "I'm here, I'm here."

Sabrina rocked her gently when the crying had died down to soft whimpers and whispered in her ear, "Just remember this okay Shu Shu, Noe loves you and would never want to hurt you, inside or out."

"Uh huh." Shu Fang mumbled.

"And never forget that whenever you need us, me or Raven or Page, even Mizuo, Natsu, and Dare, we're all right here."

"Noe too?" Shu Fang whimpered.

Sabi smiled, "Noe too."


"Yeah." Sabrina sighed gently wiping away the tears, "I promise."

My Boy's (A Page Story) 5/5/09 Prompt: Job

A young woman in her mid twenties approached the house's maple door with over flowing grocery bags in her cream colored arms. Struggling to turn the knob she opened the door and pushed her way inside. Her silver eyes were greeted by what seemed to be endless messes of dirty clothes and unwashed dishes.

"Honestly," she sighed exasperated, "They're just like children."

As she shut the door with her foot and began to wade over the mess, which reeked of rotten food especially take-out, and to the kitchen. This was to be expected. Hachi was still recovering from his wounds inflicted by the last demon he had fought so that left Mikobi in charge of food and cleaning: natural responses to both: take-out and don't but say you did.

A flash of white caught her attention as it darted towards her in a flurry of panic. Speak of the devil there he was.

"PAGEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!" the voice of Mikobi hollered, sounding terrified and desperate like a child about to burst into tears after having his cookie stolen.

Before she could react she was flat on her back with a horrified Mikobi clinging to her as the groceries fell around them like rain. Page sighed, sitting up and petting the whimpering dog boy as he trembled. Events like this were no surprise, not when she had him watch her twin boys Peter and Pan or as he insisted upon calling himself, Panic.

Rising she called the boy but no one came, she did not see the little head of the raven haired twin standing before her as he usually did when in trouble. Page growled menacingly, she taught him how to take the weight of his actions like a man. She took in as much air as her her lungs would allow and bellowed as no "mother" had done.


Mikobi winced, Hachi's eyes widened, and Peter buried his face so deep into Hachi's shoulder all you could see was his angelic blond locks. Instantly, the boy appeared before her, sensing the trouble he was in. Gently Page pulled the sparkler firework from Mikobi's fluffy snow white tail and held it in-front of the boy as she tapped her foot on the ground in a slow moving pattern.

"Panic," she started, "What have I told you about hurting Miky?"

Panic's eyes shifted to the corner to glare at the dog boy before answering the question.

"I only tied a sparkler to his tail!" the boy protested as he pouted and in one swift movement swung his head to the left. "It's not like I set his pants on fire."

"I wouldn't put that passed him." Page sighed inwardly as she knelt down to brush a strand of jet black hair from his eyes.

"What am I going to do with you?" she asked, moving her hand to ruffle the top of his head as the the boy giggled.

"Keep him away from me?" Mikobi suggested nervously as all eyes fell on him. Page chuckled, the only way to keep Panic away from his target was to chain him to a wall. Once he found something to mess with it all went down hill from there.
When the messes were cleaned and the groceries in their rightful places Page began to cook. She knew full well that while Hachi was a fine cook the last mission had left him wounded and he was still trying to heal. The boys had probably not eaten something decent in days due to Mikobi's tendency to burn everything and all of the take out containers she had picked up and thrown away.

She turned on the pot and waited for the water to boil as she chopped the basil and pureed the tomatoes. The water was bubbling and she opened the pasta package and gently slid it in. The steam caused her to sweat slightly, making her lightly wipe her brow, the remainder of her hair pulled back by a lavender bandanna.

'That takes care of that.' Page whispered to herself, mentally checking the pasta off of her to do list. She moved to the cutting board and took the tomatoes from the blender as she added them to the sauce pan near by. Venturing back to the stove she put down the sauce pan and add a dash of garlic salt to the liquid already beginning to bubble. Soon dinner would be ready and the war would begin. If you have ever fed four "growing boys" you'll know what is meant by this statement. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The table was set and Page's famous spaghetti was finished. Tofu meatballs for Hachi and Peter and regular for Panic and Mikobi. Page knew better than to try and feed those two tofu, the carnavors! She allowed herself a deep breath as she prepared to call. 1, 2, 3.

"DINNERRRRRRR~~~~!!!!" she called loudly, already prepared for the stampede as Panic and Mikobi grudgingly raced down the stairs attempting to out run each other and get to the table first. It never failed to make Page smile.

Soon after the boys were seated and shooting daggers Hachi came down slowly still holding quiet little Peter in his arms. Page wondered if the two had separated at all while she was cooking.

"Okay," she began, "Who's first?"

"ME!" Mikobi and Panic shouted simultaneously, again glaring at one another as they both held their plates up high.

Hachi sat quietly in his seat as Peter shyly twirled the table cloth around his finger. Page smiled gently and picked up Peter's plate.

"Hey!" Panic yelped as spaghetti was lifted and put on his twin brother's plate.

"You two can wait." she said calmly. "Hachi and Peter are first due to the fact they did not viciously attack this table."

"AWWWWWWWWW..." they both said in unison, glaring at each-other once more.

When everyone had their food Page sat down and twirled her fork around the noodles and took a bite.

"Page?" Hachi asked in a seemingly emotionless voice.

She smiled kindly, "Yes Hachi, what is it?" There was a pause as everyone looked up from their plates.

"Are you alright?" Page's eyes widened for a split second before she regained her composure and replied.

"Why wouldn't I be?"


"Alright..." Hachi said quietly, continuing to eat his pasta.

'What was that about?' She thought, left to ponder the origin of the question even though deep down she knew what he was referring to. More of who actually.
"Who wants dessert?" Page asked as she took the dirty dishes to the sink. The table erupted with happy "Me's" as she walked from the water filled sink to the refrigerator to retrieve the strawberry cake; her speciality.

As she walked back with the cake she saw Peter's normally mellow face light up with a childish glee appropriate for his age. She loved it when he smiled. It made her feel like maybe she was doing this parent thing right. Slicing the cake into five pieces she handed out the plates around the table. Peter ate his cake slowly almost a mirror image of Hachi while his twin on the other hand crazily attacked the cake with his fork as though he hadn't eaten in a year.

"Chew Panic, chew." Page said tiredly. "I don't want you to..."

She was cut off by his insane coughing due to a strawberry that had temporarily lodged itself in his throat.


"Hahahahahahahaha!!!!" Mikobi mocked, using this little moment to carry out his revenge. "Idiot!!!"

Before anyone could stop him Panic had thrown the remainder of his piece of cake right into Mikobi's face sending the dog boy flying out of his seat.

"Panic!" Page scolded as Mikobi stood up instantly and armed himself with the remainder of his cake. Holding it as if it were a grenade. It flew from his hand with the murderous intent to hit Panic square in the nose. A horrible miss.

"Whoops..." Mikobi mumbled as the cake collided with the side of Hachi's head.

The normally emotionless hunter ran a hand through his cake riddled hair as everyone went silent sensing his new found will to join in the throwing.

"CAKE WAR!!!!!!!!" Panic shouted as he pushed a bit of Peter's cake into his face and dived under the table for protection from the reign of fire.

Before Mikobi could choke out a sorry cake was in his face once more. Not only that but it was flying chaotically all over the kitchen.



Cake hit her ivory face and slid slowly to the floor. She twitched is suppressed anger.

"So you want to play, eh?" she began, now thoroughly pissed off. "Then take this!!!!" she screamed, hurling cake in the direction of Hachi who was straddling Mikobi as he shoved cake into his face. The cake hit the mark, first hitting the other clean half of Hachi's hair and falling to Mikobi's forehead.

Page laughed whole heartedly at the show before her. Cake flying, Peter and Panic deciding it was a battle of kids against adults, Hachi and Mikobi rolling around smearing cake on one another. Everything was going to be filthy but for once she didn't care. This was her family and it was the first time she had felt whole since the death of her love.

"Are you watching Seb...?" she questioned inwardly, watching the boys throw cake the they had collected on the floor at Hachi and Miky.

"I'm not alone anymore."

*This is a story I posted on a website called storywrite after I wrote it in my WEX. These are my original characters and I revised this post many times ^_^*

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Here I go!!!! So my group for the L.UL.S (Let's Use Less Stuff) project was the Sea Monkeys which consisted of Taylor W., Carli, Alex F., and myself. Together we grew French Thyme and Sweet Basil, but we also took on the class extras that were Basil and Thyme. We were so excited that we gave them all names! Our Sweet Basil was Mokona, our French Thyme was Fai, the basil was Kurogane, and the thyme was Syaoran. The reason for this garden idea was to help us better understand the concept that we were being taught; the concept that is comprised of these questions: Why don’t people live more sustainably? How can I convince them to do so? By growing our own herbs we could see that in reality it's not that difficult to grow food for ourselves. The most common excuse used by people in the question "why don't people live more sustainably" is "I can't grow things it is too hard" or it's easier to get them from a store." In growing food ourselves we can now better convince people that it is possible to grow our own foods and that it is not that difficult to achieve. It's easier to convince people to do something when you yourself have tried it. It's like this: how can a leader expect his people to follow him if he is not willing to take part in what he commands?

When it came time to harvest we Sea Monkeys looked up the proper way to harvest the leaves without killing the plant completely. For the Basils we discovered that you should take leaves from the bottom and the larger leaves from the top and middle to encourage new growth. Also we discovered that basils do well when given food like tea composts and such. This helped us better understand care for our basils. For the thyme it was a bit different. We learned that to harvest thyme one must gently remove "sprigs" while being careful not to take too many. In cooking a little thyme goes a long way. If you pull too many sprigs you could kill the plant completely. That would ultimately defeat it's purpose in being sustainable. The point was to keep them alive so they could continue to grow and give us herbs we can use for some time to come.

Cooking was one of the steps of this project I enjoyed the most! I decided on making a tomato and basil brushetta and a thyme crustinni. Here are the items I used and what I did:


1. Thyme Crustinni

~1 loaf of French Bread (this really depends on how much you want to make ^^)

~Salt (amount as desired)

~Pepper (amount as desired)

~Parmesan cheese, grated (about 2 large spoons)

~olive oil


Things you will need

~cookie sheet


~small bowl


1. Take your olive oil and pour some of it onto the cookie sheet and gently spread with a paper towel until the sheet is completely covered. This will toast the bread on the bottom when in the oven! :D

2. After your cookie sheet is done slice your french bread in long thin slices. To do this cut the bread at a slightly slanted angle. Then you want to take your bread and spread it out on the cookie sheet. You need not worry about spacing them out because they do not stick together. ^_^ The only thing you shouldn't do is pile them on top of one another.

3. When this is done you take your olive oil again and pour some of the bread in a drizzling manner. Be careful not to completely soak your bread! Remember the oil's purpose is to toast the bread. It probably doesn't want to go swimming. XD

4. Now comes the fun part! Take your small bowl and add the thyme. To do this you firmly hold the sprig and gently slide your fingers down it to pull off the leaves. Then you add your salt, pepper, and Parmesan cheese and mix them up together. Don't worry about exact amounts of those 3 ingredients. It is basically common sense. What ever you think looks right will be fine just remember that the cheese needs to be a bit more than the salt and pepper.

5. When your "mix" is done take your cookie sheet (remember? the one with the bread :D) and sprinkle it onto the bread. You want to make sure it lands on the bread and not the cookie sheet. After it is meant for the bread so do not be afraid to put it on your bread!

6. When the bread it covered in your thyme mix you want to take your cookie sheet and put the bread in the oven for 10 to 15 minutes or until the bread looks toasty and golden brown.

Now while the bread is toasting you want to make your brushetta! ON WARD!!!! 8DDDD

2. Tomato Basil Brushetta


~3 ripe tomatoes

~1 clove of garlic

~olive oil



~sweet basil (normally it is but any basil works)

Things needed

~medium bowl


~chopper or knife

~bread board or something to cut your tomatoes and garlic on


1. Take your tomatoes and cut them into cubes, adding them to the bowl you have. After take the garlic (must I say you have to peel it XD) and chop it up rather finely. (ha ha I have a chopper :P) Don't stress too much about getting the garlic into tiny pieces just make sure it is small enough that it looks right. :) Add the garlic to the bowl.

2. Now you want to take your basil and lay them across one another in different directions and when they are all stacked roll them up tightly and slice them long and thin and add them to the bowl as well. When you have added the tomatoes, garlic, and basil to the bowl take your olive oil and pour some into the bowl. Pour enough in so that the tomatoes, garlic, and basil are covered with plenty but not floating in it. Then add your salt and pepper as you desire and fold the ingredients together.

Now it should be about time to check on your bread! HURRY!!! DON'T LET IT BURN!!!! D:

When your bread is all toasty and delicious looking take it out of the oven CAREFULLY and put it on the table or where ever you are working. Take your brushetta (that thing you just made XD) and gently take your spoon and put it on to the bread. Now you can put it on a plate or platter and enjoy!!!!!

Want to see it all go down!? 8D Then look down there!!!!!

This recipe was taught to me by my family and I have memorized it. :) It is fairly simple so I could remember it.

I have aways loved this recipe! It's so crunch and warm and tasty writing about it is making me hungry. XD The herbs make it so much better and I could really tasted them in this recipe because the ingredients really compliment each other. The perfect combination of salty and sweet! If I could do anything differently I would have spoken in the video. I got shy and didn't want to talk but overall I'm glad I chose the recipe I did and that I could cook this even though it's been awhile. I guess my memory isn't that fail after all!!!

I cannot say that growing these herbs was a life altering experience but it did make me want to begin growing herbs again. When I was 10 I used to grow mint, pineapple basil, apple basil, sweet basil, thyme, and purple sage. This project made me miss that and if it will help the environment to grow my own food or some of it at least why not? Besides it would mean more to me to cook with food I grew myself rather than cooking with store bought projects. I cannot be like the family in Homegrown Revolution but I can do something. This project has made me feel like I can make a difference and because of it I am inspired to grow other things I can use in the future.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

This I Believe OwO

I know I picked more than one O.O; but once I got started reading I couldn't stop. I could relate to them so well and I didn't think there would be any "This I believes" like this. I could identify with these because these were women who are like me and shared some of the same struggles. It also made me realize that I am very fortunate to go to HTHMA because there I can be open about who I am and not have to worry about hiding it out of fear of hate or not being excepted. I'm glad I can openly say I am a lesbian at school and that my friends and those around me do not judge. :]

I also found two "This I believes" (bottom two) that gave me ideas about what kind of style to make my essay. I really enjoyed reading "Timothy's" (last one) because of his style and how he described things. I got lost in his words and at the end his essay made me smile. I can relate to his observing love and how love had effected him through his life. It was interesting because it did not focus on a moment but focused on all of his thoughts and ideas. It made me like it that much more because it was different. Also the second to last "This I believe" made me go "AWWWWWWWW KAWAI DESU!!!!!" (awww so cute) because I have never seen a child think this way before. It was so awesome and it made me want to hug him! XDDDDD


This makes me want to cry in the good way T~T This is Tales of the Abyss: Meaning of birth and it has been what I've been trying to learn to play. I hope I can be as good as him one day XD

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Food Blogzorz Plox! :D

As I started my adventure on the interwebs I discoved these food blog 8DDDDD

---------> CLICKY there to visit the serious eats website 8D (sounds so important, yes?)

---------> CLICKY there if you want to view a vegan food blog :D

---------> CLICKY there if you want to look at a heath food blog :) Which, despite what you might think looks pretty tastey to me! ^w^

----------> What do you know! Another veg. blog!!!! ;D You so didn't see that one coming did you!? XD

----------> LOL Can you guess what this one is???
What I find cool about some of these is they actually mention how you can eat more green but still be health!!!!! Is that awesome or what!? >w<