Saturday, September 27, 2008

Literary Devices of the Week!!!!! Similes, Metaphors, and Cliches!

A look that could stop you dead in your tracks is it not? I look as cthonic as a demon don't I? It is the polar opposite of me for in this picture I look as though I'm going to bite someone's head off! My hair looks as dark as night and my eyes as piercing as a sewing needle. Yup, a look you should pray is never directed at you. If it ever is I have a few words of advice...RUN FOR THE HILLS!!!! O.O You'll thank me one day...

ADVENTURE!!!!! Little me is on a quest to find a new world just beyond her living room couch!!!! Not even bedtime would stop me! Equipped with my plastic "John Smith" helmet and sword and over sized hoodie I set out to the far corners of the living room! I was as determined as a race horse just about to cross a finish line to get to my unknown destination. That's when I bumped into this strange device I am now staring at! My curious eyes sweep over the device and my sword, clutched tightly in my chubby little hand, is the friend that will ward off the attacker! *Click* NO! She got me and I am now doomed to remain in this position as a picture forever more! After her tiresome adventure the lone adventurous wolf is now hungry. Next mission, COOKIE STEALING!!!! NINJASTYLE!!! >:D

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