Sunday, October 12, 2008

Picture: 私は永久に愛する (I Love You Forever)

Alright here I go!!!! The reason I LOVE this photo is because when I first saw it I smiled. I really don't know why but it made me so happy because I think these two are so cute together. (except and rejoice!!!) Maybe I like this so much because I love to see people happy and this picture makes my heart get all warm because you can just see how happy they are from their faces. :) I believe that you fall in love with who you fall in love with despite their gender and if you're happy together nothing else matters. :) It gives me hope you could say. Hope that maybe one day people will see love as love regardless of who's involved. :)
Says a lot doesn't it??? To me this particular picture says that despite what people might find acceptable these two are not afraid to be in love. :) It shows just how much they care about one another and how happy they are together. It shows a rare softer side to the two as characters and shows feelings that the two hardly ever express. MORNING MAGIC! :D It just feels like a precious moment between them and says that just maybe, their love will last forever.

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