Sunday, September 7, 2008

A Strange Kind of Smpathy

He fell in love with you

But he fell alone

Fell into the pain

I don't know

If he fell in love

And fell in love alone

Does that mean

I will too?

If I fell in love with you

Would I soon know

The pain he knew

The same pain I don't know?

How confusing words can be

When written by one

such as me

Lonely, confused, Falling

Little me

Sad, Pathetic, Unworthy


Unworthy of you

Unworthy of your care

Unworthy of your time

A waste of your air

I know I'm not worth it

I know I'm not fair

I know I'm not brave enough to dare

Too say those three words

Those three words that can mean so such

And nothing at all

Those words that hold the meaning

Of a heart I cannot have

Your heart

The one I cannot possess

The one thing I want most

The one thing so close

Yet so far from my reach

Maybe your happiness

Doesn't lie with me

And if that's the case

Can I still keep you near?

And if you're ever sad or lonely

Or need a friend

I'll always be there

To chase away the fears

To wipe away the tears

To keep you safe

And give you love with no price

You are my flower

My princess

My friend

And no matter what you say or do

Just remember

I'll always be there for you.
Please don't judge...

1 comment:

marlene burrito said...

so i was very bored and i started reading everyones blogs and i saw this...
i have no idea where you got it from but its BEAUTIFUL!