Sunday, September 21, 2008

ThE LiTeRaRy DeViCe Of ThE wEeK...ePiC!!!!!

Here I go!!!!!!!!

1.) To me, an epic is a poem that tells a story about "hero" in the writer's eyes and tells us their story in an exciting manner. I also enjoy them! <3

2.) Focuses on a hero: "Begin with the clash between Agamemnon-The Greek warlord-and godlike Achilles" (Lines 7-8, Iliad, Homer)

The deeds of the hero are presented without favoritism, revealing his failings as well as his virtues: "Achilles chest was a rough knot of pain/Twisting around his heart: should he/Draw the sharp sword that hung by his thigh,/Scatter the ranks and gut Agamemnon,/Or control his temper, repress his rage?/He was mulling it over, inching the great sword/ From its sheath..." (Lines 198-203 Iliad, Homer)

The main character or protagonist is heroically larger than life, often the source and subject of legend or a national hero: "And Achilles, strong, swift, and godlike..." (Line 129, Iliad, Homer)

This was a series of pictures from the graphic novel Bleach by Tite Kubo and now I shall explain what is going on. You see this was a fight in the manga between Kaien (The man with the spiky black hair) and the hollow (bad spirit that eats souls) that possessed his wife and killed her. However in the middle of the fight the hollow possesses Kaien and tries to kill Rukia (girl) but Ukitake prevents it and tells her to run. At first she hesitates, not wanting to leave Kaien's side but one more shout from Ukitake and she automatic runs, crying and apologizing to her precious mentor and friend, Kaien.
As Ukitake is fighting the hollow he realizes that since Kaien and the hollow are both spirit beings they can not be separated so he attempts to kill "Kaien" before the hollow eats it's way out of him however at the moment Ukitake was about to administer the killing blow his sickness gets in the way and he is unable to control his coughing. The hollow seizes his chance and tries to escape into the woods and Ukitake wills himself to chase it only for him to see Rukia in the path of the hollow. She had come back despite his orders to help her friend. Ukitake goes as fast as he can towards Rukia to save her but he realizes in despair he'll never make it. "Kill it!" he yells as Rukia stands there, sword unsheathed but unable to move. At the last possible moment she stabs her blade into her beloved friend as his blood splatters on her cheek.
Still shocked at her own actions it begins to rain and Kaien, in his dying breath, thanks her as well as his captain for allowing him to fight with honor until the very end. Moments before he dies he holds Rukia tightly and apologizes for what he put her through. His hand drops from her and he dies. She squeezes her eyes shut and pulling him close to her she cries loudly, feeling as though she deserves no thanks for her cowardice to save her own skin.
The reason I chose this was because to me it explains an epic scene in which Rukia, the main character, feels extreme emotions. This scene, I believe, shows her strengths as well as her flaws because while she saved her friend and set him free she believes that she is a coward for doing so. She doubts her actions and sees herself as a coward rather than the hero she really is.
Another reason I chose this was because of the battles depicted and the dramatic look of it. As Rukia holds her unsheathed sword we wonder if she will go through with killing it or if she'll let the hollow go because it has her mentor's face.
There is an epic battle going on both physically and in the heart and mind of our main character and these are the reasons behind my picking these pictures.

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