Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I Loveles Bunnies <3

Well...I really don't have a point for writing this sooooo I'll just write :)
I thought about writing this because when I was REALLY little I had an imaginary friend That was a bunny. Except he had wings on his head...what can I say? I was an inventive child!
He kept me company a lot and when I started kindergarten I remember being bullied by people who thought I was talking to myself. They were a bit older than me and used to swat the air to try and hit him.
This used to unset me greatly because ever since I could remember he had been there. They only laughed more when I tried to stand up for him and in the end all I could do was try to ignore them.
I wasn't a very social child either so for most of Kindergarten it was only us. I would sit down on the table to the far left of the playground and laugh as he flew around and chased the birds. I wasn't lonely. I had him and thought I always would. I was happy.
I had no desire in making other friends but he was the one who encouraged me to interact with people and eventually I made some connections. The more I began to talk to people the less and less he would come around until finally I stopped seeing him altogether.
I cried when he left me and wished for him to return but he didn't. I comforted myself with the thought that he was with another child that needed him now more than I did and that helped me stay happy. Sometimes I wish I he would visit but what can I say? There are lots of lonely and scared kids out there and I'm proud that he's helping them like he helped me. I'll never forget him. My first best friend and one day I know he'll stop by. I just have to be patient. I KNOW he won't forget me, like I haven't forgotten him. :) I believe in him!


Spencer said...

bunnies are awesome ^^ im glad youve posted this for i get to know a litle more about my friend ^^

Ms. Charlotte said...

I love bunnies too. This is random, but....in Alaska, when the campfire smoke would get in our eyes we would say, "I love bunnies," and that would make it go away.

True story.

Spencer said...

oh one more thing what is you email??........
( \__/)
bunny smilly ^_\

HanaHadassah said...

my email is werewof4201@yahoo.com and hanahadassah@gmail.com :) thank u all for commenting!