Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Food Blogzorz Plox! :D

As I started my adventure on the interwebs I discoved these food blog 8DDDDD

---------> CLICKY there to visit the serious eats website 8D (sounds so important, yes?)

---------> CLICKY there if you want to view a vegan food blog :D

---------> CLICKY there if you want to look at a heath food blog :) Which, despite what you might think looks pretty tastey to me! ^w^

----------> What do you know! Another veg. blog!!!! ;D You so didn't see that one coming did you!? XD

----------> LOL Can you guess what this one is???
What I find cool about some of these is they actually mention how you can eat more green but still be health!!!!! Is that awesome or what!? >w<

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