Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Advice (5/20/09)

The petite Chinese sighed and rolled onto her back as her pale green eyes traveled to the door that was a mere three feet away from where she was stationed on her bed. Her eyes began to water as she recalled all of the things that had happened, mostly all of the things she had said to Noe before the mission had ended.

Noe showing her psychopathic tendencies as she slayed the demon. Shu Fang had been thrown against the wall by the very creature and it would have killed her in an instant if Noe hadn't have intervened but the way Noe got when she killed scared her more than any demonic power on this earth or the next.

She wanted to stop imagining Noe covered in blood and laughing as the demon fell before her. That laugh made her sick to her stomach. It wasn't Noe anymore. In that moment she was just another demon. The next thing Shu Fang had an impulse to kill.

She had stopped laughing to look back at Shu Fang who was shaking in the pile of rubble she had created upon hitting the wall. Noe froze, she had completely forgotten Shu Fang was present.

"Shu..." she started, approaching the teal haired Chinese slowly as if she were trying to pet a wild animal. "Are you all right..."

"*BU SHI!!!!!!! DOU BI KAI!!!! GUAI WU!!!!!!" (No! Stay away! Monster!)

Noe quickly stepped away from her partner. The only time Shu Fang ever spoke in Chinese was when she was scared, very scared.

"I'm sorry." she stated sadly, the malice draining from her eyes as she began to walk away from the terrified Shu Fang who sat shaking and crying alone with the demon corpse for company.

'Why did I say that to her?' she questioned, her mind replaying the moment over and over like a rewinding tape. 'How could I hurt her so crassly?'

Sure Noe had scared her but it wasn't as if she never tried to make herself appear less frightening. Shu Fang didn't even fully comprehend the source of this fear. There was just something about her presence, something about her eyes that seemed fake. This falseness was what pushed her away. Without the truth of a person's eyes Shu Fang was blind. She needed that to trust.

The door creaked open causing her to jump and her thoughts to scatter. 'Was it her?' she though, immediately feeling guilt for the mental comment. She caught sight of short and choppy dirty blond hair and sighed in relief. It was Sabrina.

"Hey kiddo..." she cooed gently, shutting the door behind her softly and taking a seat next to Shu Fang who was now sitting Indian style on the bed.

"I heard what happened."

Shu Fang tensed, where was Sabi going to go with this and how could she know?

"Listen kiddo..." she started, putting an arm around the little Chinese, "Noe really doesn't mean to scare you."

"I know..." Shu Fang sighed.

Sabrina sighed aswell.

"You see, she just has difficultly feeling certain things and some of the things she does feel aren't necessarily healthy..."

She was referring to the blood lust.

"But I know she'd never hurt you."

"I'm not scared of that." Shu Fang said simply.

Sabrina's eyebrows raised a bit at the statement curiously.

"Oh?" she questioned, "Then what is it you feel hun?"

Shu Fang tensed once more, now beginning to fiddle with her over sized white shirt.

"It's not that I think she'll hurt me but," she paused, finding the words to say. "I'm afraid that...that one day..." the tears welled as she finished her statement and the fear was fully realised. "She'll hurt herself."

Sabrina smiled and hugged the younger woman tightly as she began to cry into her shoulder. She pet her head instinctively as she shushed her.

"There, there," she cooed, "I'm here, I'm here."

Sabrina rocked her gently when the crying had died down to soft whimpers and whispered in her ear, "Just remember this okay Shu Shu, Noe loves you and would never want to hurt you, inside or out."

"Uh huh." Shu Fang mumbled.

"And never forget that whenever you need us, me or Raven or Page, even Mizuo, Natsu, and Dare, we're all right here."

"Noe too?" Shu Fang whimpered.

Sabi smiled, "Noe too."


"Yeah." Sabrina sighed gently wiping away the tears, "I promise."

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