Friday, March 6, 2009

What strikes you about their movie?

It surprised me that they actually made growing their own food work. Most of the time when people do things like this the passion is gone in a year or so. It's astonishing that people are still capable of living this independent.

What do you think the Dervaes’ family Needs vs. Wants sheet would look like? Why?

Their list would probably be down to the really wants so to speak. Things that we take for granted like T.V. or Internet would maybe be just wants for them. They would be much simpler because they explained to us that they only buy what is absolutely needed from outside sources. They try to be as self relate as possible.

How does the Dervaes family fit into what we are studying in My Ishmael?

Well in My Ishmael we are learning about how to live sustainably and these people most definitely are. They live off the land instead of going against it and they thrive. It is one of the ways that people can help ourselves and the world in which we live. If more people did what this family has done we could undoubtedly save the world.

Overall, what are your thoughts on the way this family lives and works?

I love that way they live! :D It makes me really happy when people are in tune with nature because it makes me feel more hope for our race. It gives me some relief that not all have forgot how to live in harmony with nature. If I could I'd do that. I can't imagine the freedom they must feel. <----- clicky to be amazed 8D


Ms. Charlotte said...

That is an interesting point about how most people's passions are fleeting (within a year or less.) I'm glad they've stuck with their passions for so long. I think it helps that they're doing it with their family, and they seem to get along.

My Blog said...

Tobi I really like how you express youreself with youre answers . And I have to agree with you because People want to do what the family is doing put the passion and desire is gone very quitly its surprising.