Friday, March 13, 2009

S.O.S (props to whoever can guess what that stands 4 XD)


Q 1: Are there trash cans at the beach?

Yes-94.4% No-5.6%

Q 2: When at the Beach where do you put your garbage?

Typically I put in my own trash bag until ready to leave, then I put in the beach trash can.
Fri, 3/13/09 5:11 PM

the trash
Thu, 3/12/09 11:17 AM

in the trash
Wed, 3/11/09 11:16 PM


In the trash can

In whatever bag I have with me (or in my mom's pocket) to throw away at home later.
Wed, 3/11/09 1:34 PM

The trash can
Wed, 3/11/09 11:36 AM

I pit my trash in the trash cans
Tue, 3/10/09 9:46 PM

i don't go to the beach much and i don't have garbage when i do @__@
Tue, 3/10/09 9:24 PM

Trash Can
Tue, 3/10/09 7:18 PM

Trash Can

Q 3: When you see trash at the beach what do you do? Why?

I really don't see much trash at the beach. Some papers every once in awhile.
Fri, 3/13/09 5:11 PM

pick it up cuz it aint kool to polute our beaches and it cuts up our feet when we come into shore from surfing
Thu, 3/12/09 11:17 AM

Most of the time, I just walk past it thinking about how gross people are. I would pick it up if I had a trash bag on me.
Wed, 3/11/09 11:16 PM

if it looks really nasty i don't touch it but if it is a wrapper i pick it up and throw it out
Wed, 3/11/09 8:09 PM

mostly I'll pick it up. Because trash on the beach is not cool, and it's not good for the environment.
Wed, 3/11/09 1:34 PM

At times I leave it there because its like to pick up with your hand because a lot of it is food and and it has many nasty critters around it but if its like a plate or something I would pick it up.
Wed, 3/11/09 11:36 AM

umm well if i see trash i don't pick it up.and i don't pick it up because i guess i don't care.
Tue, 3/10/09 9:46 PM

I try to steer around them. Because it kinda hurts when I don't.
Tue, 3/10/09 9:24 PM

Pick it up. Because its good for the environment. Lots of times if its gross I leave it be.
Tue, 3/10/09 7:18 PM

avoid it, i don't know/probably don't want to know where some of it has been
Tue, 3/10/09 7:14 PM

Q 4: How often and how much trash do you see at the beach?

A. Beach is clean and spotless.
12.5% (2)
87.5% (14)
B. Beach has a couple pieces of trash .
56.3% (9)
43.8% (7)
C. Several pieces of trash are scattered Beach has a couple pieces.
72.2% (13)
27.8% (5)
D. Trash is everywhere.
37.5% (6)
62.5% (10)

Q 5: What do you think happens to wild life when it comes into contact with pollution?

Typically pollution has a negative effect on animals.
Fri, 3/13/09 5:11 PM

it dies
Thu, 3/12/09 11:17 AM

they can get very sick.
Wed, 3/11/09 11:16 PM

they get sick or even worse DIE!!!
Wed, 3/11/09 8:09 PM

I know that one of the major issues is that birds and other animals get tangled in it and can seriously hurt or even kill themselves trying to escape from things like the plastic that holds together soda. Also, when fish or birds swallow it, it fills their stomachs so that they feel full and don't eat, but in fact end up starving because they haven't been able to provide their bodies with any real sustenance. And there are many more issues.
Wed, 3/11/09 1:34 PM

They probably die
Wed, 3/11/09 11:36 AM

um what i think happens is that i think wild life dies because the water is so polluted and they die. Like with whale garbage can get caught in there blow hole and die.
Tue, 3/10/09 9:46 PM

It is no bueno. For various reasons.
Tue, 3/10/09 9:24 PM

They get sick and die, like a bird swallowing a piece of plastic, metal, ECT. . . that they can't digest.
Tue, 3/10/09 7:18 PM

death, sickness, choking hazards?
Tue, 3/10/09 7:14 PM

Q 6: Why do you think some people are indifferent about this subject?

If it doesn't impact (s)he at that given moment, most people won't give it a second thought.
Fri, 3/13/09 5:11 PM

cuz there dumb asses
Thu, 3/12/09 11:17 AM

People are lazy.
Wed, 3/11/09 11:16 PM

cause there stupid
Wed, 3/11/09 8:09 PM

Because they are either too lazy or too fat headed to care about anyone but themselves. Ok, maybe not that harsh. I think many people care, but (like myself) don't have the time or motivation to go out and actually do something.
Wed, 3/11/09 1:34 PM

They probably don't realize how much pollution there doing to wild life.
Wed, 3/11/09 11:36 AM

Im not sure but i guess they just don't care about what happens.
Tue, 3/10/09 9:46 PM

Because they don't go to the beach, or they simply don't care. Also people suffer from chronic not thinking about things. @__@
Tue, 3/10/09 9:24 PM

Indifferent? Why would anyone think its OK to trash our world, contributing to toxic pollution's, (global warming), kill of endangered species of animals, or make species endangered. Its wrong. The animals can not adapt fast enough at this rapid pace of change. Just because you didn't drop a piece of trash doesn't mean we are all a part of this world, and thus should take care of it, no matter whose fault it is. This is our world and EVERYONE is destroying it. Not just the guy who littered at the beach.
Tue, 3/10/09 7:18 PM


Q 7: Have you heard of any organizations that try to help this cause?

I'm sure I have but can't think of any off the top of my head.
Fri, 3/13/09 5:11 PM

Thu, 3/12/09 11:17 AM

Wed, 3/11/09 11:16 PM

aspca World Wild life Fund
Wed, 3/11/09 8:09 PM

Yes, many.
Wed, 3/11/09 1:34 PM

Wed, 3/11/09 11:36 AM

I think so like people go as a group and pick up in the beach.
Tue, 3/10/09 9:46 PM

None in specific come to mind.
Tue, 3/10/09 9:24 PM

Tue, 3/10/09 7:18 PM

Tue, 3/10/09 7:14 PM

Q 8: Do you know of any endangered species in the Ocean? If so witch ones?

Green Sea Turtle, Salt Croc, Steelhead, Grey Whale, etc...
Fri, 3/13/09 5:11 PM

yes wales and pingens and otters and seals and fish
Thu, 3/12/09 11:17 AM

Some spieces of dolphins, some whales, a type of sea turtle, polar bears (though I don't know if that counts)
Wed, 3/11/09 11:16 PM

Sea-lion, Steller (=northern) (Eumetopias jubatus) Seal, Caribbean monk (Monachus tropicalis) Seal, guadalupe fur (Arctocephalus townsendi) Seal, Hawaiian monk (Monachus schauinslandi) Seal, Mediterranean monk (Monachus monachus) Whale, blue (Balaenoptera musculus) Whale, bowhead (Balaena mysticetus) Whale, finback (Balaenoptera physalus) Whale, humpback (Megaptera novaeangliae) Whale, right (Balaena glacialis (incl. australis)) Whale, Sei (Balaenoptera borealis) Whale, sperm (Physeter macrocephalus (=catodon)) Salmon, chinook (Sacramento R. winter run)Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) Salmon, chinook (Snake R. spring/summer run)(Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) Salmon, chinook (Snake R. fall run)(Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) Salmon, sockeye (=red, =blueback)(Snake R., ID, stock)(Oncorhynchus nerka) Sturgeon, shortnose (Acipenser brevirostrum)
Wed, 3/11/09 8:09 PM

Not that I know of specifically, but there's a bunch of different species of fish, birds, and aquatic mammals (such as whales, or polar bears but polar bears are for a different reason).
Wed, 3/11/09 1:34 PM

The whale
Wed, 3/11/09 11:36 AM

I think one endangered species i know is the whales.
Tue, 3/10/09 9:46 PM

*which um, sea turtles? whales? uh... i'm thinking that pretty much everything in the ocean is endangered. except the krill.
Tue, 3/10/09 9:24 PM

Whales, dolphins, manatee's, turtles, a whole bunch of fish.
Tue, 3/10/09 7:18 PM

can't name them, but know there are some
Tue, 3/10/09 7:14 PM

Q 9: Name several human made products that would effect animals in the ocean.

Fri, 3/13/09 5:11 PM

plastic can holder thingys ummmm oil and over fishing
Thu, 3/12/09 11:17 AM

Oil, plastic rings for drinks, food wrappers
Wed, 3/11/09 11:16 PM

shampoo, chemicals, bleach
Wed, 3/11/09 8:09 PM

water bottles, plastic bags, plastic soda holder thingies, basically anything that doesn't decompose over a short-ish amount of time. Also, of course, oil. And toxic chemicals.
Wed, 3/11/09 1:34 PM

the plastic things on sodas
Wed, 3/11/09 11:36 AM

Throwing your tash and it get's thrown in the swear and into the see. And when people don't pick up for themselves there trash get's caught in the waves and get's washed into the ocean.
Tue, 3/10/09 9:46 PM

*affect er. any kind of nasty chemical. any kind of weird plasticky thing. basically everything nasty that you wouldn't want in the bath with your baby and a few things you might @__@
Tue, 3/10/09 9:24 PM

Plastic. Soda cans. Any waste products that are not recyclable.
Tue, 3/10/09 7:18 PM

cans, plastic, cigarettes, poison, oil, metal, broken glass
Tue, 3/10/09 7:14 PM

Q 10: Do you belive that you can make a difference in this cause? Why or why not?

Anyone can make a difference. It's just like voting, every individual counts.
Fri, 3/13/09 5:11 PM

hell yes for i is Jebis
Thu, 3/12/09 11:17 AM

me alone, no. Together with a crowd, yes.
Wed, 3/11/09 11:16 PM

yes i could pick up trash at the beach
Wed, 3/11/09 8:09 PM

Yes. If everyone just picked up half of the pieces of trash they saw everyday, there would be a huge difference, and may as well start with myself.
Wed, 3/11/09 1:34 PM

yeah by picking up trash and telling others to do so
Wed, 3/11/09 11:36 AM

Yes i do because know that i relize what where doing it make's me pay attention more and think twice. So im going to watch what i do with my trash.
Tue, 3/10/09 9:46 PM

I do believe I can make a difference! A few years back I participated in a beach clean up. But I guess I could be doing more... *guilt face*
Tue, 3/10/09 9:24 PM

Everyone has the potential to make a difference in this world. The question is do people want to live up to there potential. I believe we should take care of our earth in a more kindly manner, starting in picking up beach trash. Yes, I think I can make a difference.
Tue, 3/10/09 7:18 PM

no because i'm just one worthless life

What struck me about our data was how many people had positive out looks on our last question. Most people felt they could make a difference in beach pollution. I did not expect so may people to be so optimistic! Also I was quite surprised that on our question of "Why do you think people are indifferent about this subject" most people seem to hit the nail on the head. We received responses saying that the reason is people think in terms that if it does not effect them directly they will not care. Other results suggested that some people may not know just how much their garbage can hurt the sea life and the people who swim in the sea. Starting out my expectations for our first question of "Are there trash bins at the beach?" was pretty low. I believed that maybe the fact that trash is on our beach is due to the fact that many people just do not know that there are places to dispose of those things on the beach. However I was (gladly :] ) proved wrong. Our study shows the opposite of my initial thought. Also I hoped that most people would feel like they could make a difference and that expectation was met by the majority of positive answers. I believe that the most effective campaign would be one that encourages people to participate in beach clean ups and pick up trash when ever possible at the beach. We need to motivate people to take action and show them that this is their problem. It's not just one or two peoples' problem but our city as a whole. If we do not start taking care of our beaches then perhaps one day our ocean will be nonexistent in the future. Most people seem to understand the hazard of our waste entering the ocean and what it does to the animals that call it home. Judging from our collected data it is encouragement that the people are lacking. That is the reason why I think our campaign should focus on encouragement and maybe a bit of scaring to get people to see first hand what could become of our ocean if we let pollution get out of hand.

1 comment:

niia G said...

You have a lot of responses to your survey. I think it was ridiculous how people said there wasn't any trash at the beach... thats IMPOSSIBLE! we have trash EVERYWHERE, the world is polluted D: