Monday, February 23, 2009

What Matters?

    My friends above all else :)

  1. To live sustainably is to make the most of what ever comes your way whether it be a physical resource or a situation. Also, more to me, it means that you put what matters to you first above all else. I suppose you could say that it is a way to live with little regret. If we live our life sustainably we will be happy in what we do and always cherish what means the most to us. What is truly the most important.

  2. While we have quite a bit of freedom, as minors it is solely our parents who decide our fate of how much of it we get. (Oh the curses of not being 18...) It really depends on how far the guardian will hold the leash around our necks or how closely they want you to stay. So until we are 18 we have limited freedom in this world of ours. =.= Yeah...

  3. As a 15 year old I can live my life more sustainably by doing my very best in everything I do. By completing all tasks in my life with the best of my abilities I can truly live without those kinds of regrets and really be the best I can be. Also to put what matters to me first above what my parents say is my priority. I now know that deciding what matters to me it my decision and not theirs. It took me awhile to see this.

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