Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Goals of the Semester

And when I'm determined you'd better put on your safety helmet and put a 100 mile radious between me and you O.O Things might just explode...you have been warned...^_^'

1.) How are you different now than when you started school in August?

Wow, where do I begin!!!!!!! I'm so much different than before!!!! For one I'm happier because I've found awesome friends and secondly I got through the projects this year in one piece!!!!! *happy dances* I also feel I have grow a bit and I'm now unafraid to be me. I now have a better understanding of how things work in school and now I know what to do and what to expect. Now I'm perpared to tackle new things full force!!! >:D I'm happy with how much I've changed this year. :)

2.) What skills do you think are the most important for succeeding in Humanities? Why?

I need to stop procrastinating!!! DX It's going to kill me if I keep it up!!! Also I need to organize a bit better because my things are getting a little too crazy. Meaning I've got papers everywhere. I think that doing things a bit ahead of time and organization are the keys to suceeding in Humanities next year! I really need to incorporate some tabs and my planner and get going! I can't wait to put them to the test!

3.) One thing I would like to improve on this semester is....I am going to do this by....

I am going to stop procrastinating by willing myself to do the work a little ahead of schedule so I'm not killing myself the night before trying to complete it!!! >.<>:D *is pumped*

4.) . What are you most curious about? If you could study any topic, what would you study and why?

I'm really interested in all sorts of old herbal lore and healing techniques. XD Weird I know but I love learning new ways to help people in everyday life. I've read many books on the subject already and it's really awesome to see that back before we had all this fancy medicine we relied on what the earth had. Sometimes these remedies work better then the pills and the syrups. Something I'm particularly curious about is how people think. I've always wondered exactly what makes people behave a certain way and do the things that they do. It's intriguing really. Ask for learning about any topic, I probably wouldn't be able to decide!!! XD When it comes to learning things that I can I apply to my daily life I'm willing to learn anything!!! And go figure I'm a anime and manga nerd so I love cosplay XD

My goals this year are to get straight A's and do my best this semester!!!!! Also to have fun and make lots of great memories with everyone!!! (I already have a lot ^^) Maybe take some pictures so I don't ever forget. My main goal though is to work hard and break the habits that are weighting me down. (procrastination and cramming) NEW SEMESTER HERE I COME!!! I hope you all have your helmets and running shoes ^_^



Ms. Charlotte said...

:puts helmet on:

:straps on seatbelt:

HanaHadassah said...

oh yes charlotte 8D Tobi's gonna be eating too much sugar for her own good X3