Thursday, February 26, 2009


1.) The two general rules on how to identify people from our culture is one, we call ourselves accursed and often use it as an excuse and two, we lock food away from ourselves and are made to work to get it back. I do not agree with Ishmael when he says that people from all over the world are of the same culture because while we are all people and human our cultures are all very different. For example, a person from Japan would find eating an eel perfectly normal while the average American might view this dish as strange. Though we are of the same species it is our cultures that set us apart. If we all had the same culture the world would be rather dull wouldn't you say?

2.) I would actually agree with Ishmael that Mother Culture is wrong about the fact that we are all flawed because saying we are not perfect has become a greatly accepted excuse in society today. We abuse this truth to place the blame on a high power to make ourselves less guilty. While humans are imperfect it doesn't mean we are powerless to stop our wrong doing and it does not mean we are so flawed that their is nothing good about us. It is true that humans make mistakes but we have the opportunity to learn from those mistakes and make ourselves better people from it. We have a way to correct our flaws if we try.

3.) The takers and leavers are the people in our culture both good and bad. They relate to American culture because in our past we did something similar. We took the Native Americans food and made them work to get it back, just as the people from the parable made the people dance for theirs. Even now we are made to work for our food because in today's world there is no receiving without working for it. It is an exchange; our sweat and our stress for our necessities.
*my pic is supposed to show my point that even if we are not perfect we are not so flawed that nothing good can come of us ^-^ Love is one of those good things :3

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