Thursday, February 26, 2009


1.) The two general rules on how to identify people from our culture is one, we call ourselves accursed and often use it as an excuse and two, we lock food away from ourselves and are made to work to get it back. I do not agree with Ishmael when he says that people from all over the world are of the same culture because while we are all people and human our cultures are all very different. For example, a person from Japan would find eating an eel perfectly normal while the average American might view this dish as strange. Though we are of the same species it is our cultures that set us apart. If we all had the same culture the world would be rather dull wouldn't you say?

2.) I would actually agree with Ishmael that Mother Culture is wrong about the fact that we are all flawed because saying we are not perfect has become a greatly accepted excuse in society today. We abuse this truth to place the blame on a high power to make ourselves less guilty. While humans are imperfect it doesn't mean we are powerless to stop our wrong doing and it does not mean we are so flawed that their is nothing good about us. It is true that humans make mistakes but we have the opportunity to learn from those mistakes and make ourselves better people from it. We have a way to correct our flaws if we try.

3.) The takers and leavers are the people in our culture both good and bad. They relate to American culture because in our past we did something similar. We took the Native Americans food and made them work to get it back, just as the people from the parable made the people dance for theirs. Even now we are made to work for our food because in today's world there is no receiving without working for it. It is an exchange; our sweat and our stress for our necessities.
*my pic is supposed to show my point that even if we are not perfect we are not so flawed that nothing good can come of us ^-^ Love is one of those good things :3

Monday, February 23, 2009

Quiz from Long Ago =.=

1. Started your own blog

2. Slept under the stars (all the time...on the roof ^-^)

3. Played in a band

4. Visited Hawaii

5. Watched a meteor shower

6. Given more than you can afford to charity

7. Been to Disneyland

8. Climbed a mountain

9. Held a praying mantis (before the tomamto swashed it O.o)

10. Sang a solo (Scary...)

11. Bungee jumped (ZoMJ!!!! ^0^ so fun!!!)

12. Visited Paris

13. Watched a lightning storm at sea (so pretty)

14. Taught yourself an art from scratch (^-^)

15. Adopted a child

16. Had food poisoning

17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty

18. Grown your own vegetables

19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France

20. Slept on an overnight train

21. Had a pillow fight (I want to have a sleepover now for the sole purpose of doing this now T^T)

22. Hitch hiked

23. Taken a sick day when you’re not ill

24. Built a snow fort (I was 6 and I hid in my little ice/snow fort all day pretending to be a winter fairy ^-^)

25. Held a lamb

26. Gold panned

27. Run a Marathon (<3)

28. Ridden in a gondola in Venice

29. Seen a total eclipse

30. Watched a sunrise or sunset

31. Hit a home run

32. Been on a cruise

33. Seen Niagara Falls in person

34. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors

35. Seen an Amish community

36. Taught yourself a new language

37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied

38. Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person

39. Gone rock climbing

40. Seen Michelangelo’s David

41. Sung karaoke (:snickers in the background: SHUT UP YOSHI D<)

42. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt

43. Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant

44. Visited Africa

45. Walked on a beach by moonlight

46. Been transported in an ambulance

47. Had your portrait painted

48. Gone deep sea fishing

49. Gone without food or water for 24 hours or longer

50. Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris

51. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling

52. Kissed in the rain

53. Played in the mud (but of course ^-^)

54. Gone to a drive-in theater

55. Been in a movie

56. Visited the Great Wall of China

57. Started a business

58. Taken a martial arts class

59. Stayed up for 24 hours with NO sleep at all

60. Served at a soup kitchen

61. Sold Girl Scout Cookies

62. Gone whale watching

63. Got flowers for no reason

64. Donated blood, platelets or plasma

65. Gone sky diving

66. Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp

67. Bounced a check

68. Flown in a helicopter

69. Saved a favorite childhood toy (OF COURSE!!!! I could never get rid of Nanoe or Yoji!!! O0O)

70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial

71. Eaten Caviar

72. Pieced a quilt

73. Stood in Times Square

74. Toured the Everglades

75. Been fired from a job

76. Changed a light bulb

77. Broken a bone

78. Been on a speeding motorcycle

79. Seen the Grand Canyon in person

80. Published a book

81. Visited the Vatican

82. Bought a brand new car

83. Mowed the lawn

84. Had your picture in the newspaper (=.= my teacher and his project pictures...)

85. Read the entire Bible

86. Visited the White House

87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating

88. Had chickenpox

89. Saved someone’s life

90. Sat on a jury (not for real...sort of)

91. Met someone famous

92. Joined a book club

93. Lost a loved one

94. Had a baby

95. Seen the Alamo in person

96. Swam in the Great Salt Lake

97. Been involved in a law suit

98. Owned a cell phone

99. Been stung by a bee

yep :)

What Matters?

    My friends above all else :)

  1. To live sustainably is to make the most of what ever comes your way whether it be a physical resource or a situation. Also, more to me, it means that you put what matters to you first above all else. I suppose you could say that it is a way to live with little regret. If we live our life sustainably we will be happy in what we do and always cherish what means the most to us. What is truly the most important.

  2. While we have quite a bit of freedom, as minors it is solely our parents who decide our fate of how much of it we get. (Oh the curses of not being 18...) It really depends on how far the guardian will hold the leash around our necks or how closely they want you to stay. So until we are 18 we have limited freedom in this world of ours. =.= Yeah...

  3. As a 15 year old I can live my life more sustainably by doing my very best in everything I do. By completing all tasks in my life with the best of my abilities I can truly live without those kinds of regrets and really be the best I can be. Also to put what matters to me first above what my parents say is my priority. I now know that deciding what matters to me it my decision and not theirs. It took me awhile to see this.