Tuesday, August 26, 2008

30 Things No 1 Knows but ME!!!!!!!! :D


  1. When I look at flowers I want 2 start handing them out to random people who need them most...

  2. When I see little children playing I really want to go join them (sometimes I do! :D)

  3. I have a weak spot for cute yaoi... XD Like Invisible Boy ^////^ It's too cute really...

  4. When I get mad I start speaking random japanese...O_o even if it translates to randomness and gibbersih when I finally calm down...

  5. I have a friend only I can see who takes the form of different animals at will...he helps me from completely losing my mind (don't ask or judge cause I know what you're thinking...)

  6. I think of eating any kind of meat as cannibalism of the soul...

  7. I feel his death was my fault and when the wind blows I think I hear him whispering to me

  8. I love the snow because it feels so pure and innocent and I can't help but have the feeling I'm going to die in it...I wouldn't mind a bit to be perfectly honest.

  9. Sometimes I wish I could take all of the world's pain and keep it in my heart so no would ever have to feel it again...

  10. I love to cry when it's raining...it feels like it purifies my entire being and I feel so happy after it and usually start dancing in it

  11. I like to take pictures and videos of random people and put them all together to show how everyone is connect in some way...the invisible bonds we share.

  12. When I was very little I made my mother a fairy out of dried corn husks...I'm happy she still has it tacked on her office board

  13. 13 is my favorite number because it is so stereotyped as bad luck...

  14. I can't bring myself to tell the person I love how I feel...

  15. My phone just fell in a trash can full of beer bottles...global warming...must recycle O_-

  16. I have a lot of alternate personalities...

  17. I wish I could fly (and I have attempted and failed horribly...)

  18. When I don't like someone I am compelled to hiss at them like a cat

  19. If I was in the world of the manga Loveless I'd never want to "do it" because I'd want to keep my cat ears and tail forever. MEW!

  20. I held a baby for the first time this year and made her giggle. :D She was adorable and made me wish I had a baby (before reality ruined it and told me it would be extremely WRONG if I did...)

  21. The happiest I've ever felt in a long time was when Brendon called me everytime I ran to her in summer bridge during the game of "bibity bibity bop" and gave me a hug ^////^ Yays~!
  22. I blew up a mashmellow at a slumber party when we made microwave smores...
  23. My blog is actually named after the song "Life Less Ordinary" by Carbon Leaf check it out sometime. It has inspired me :D
  24. I feel I can know a person well by looking long enough at their eyes...you see a lot in a few seconds...
  25. When I was four I took the craft scissors and cut off my hair to play Mulan...I had to wear ugly little hats for weeks T^T
  26. I feel strongly about why people murder others...it's scary to me that people can become the monsters they are so afraid of...
  27. I love the Fray (among lots of things like Skillet!) and I never get sick of their song "How To Save A Life"
  28. I felt that the song "When She Loved Me" was something I could relate to...I cried when I heard it again...
  29. I DESPISE the word freak and make a point of never saying or implying it!
  30. People become important to me the moment their eyes meet mine...

Well that's all...please don't judge...it only leads to pain

BYE BYE *waves* ^________________^


Ms. Charlotte said...

I wouldn't mind dying in the snow either, it would be rather peaceful (and much better than dying in a fire!) Maybe I feel this way because I grew up in Alaska.

Spencer said...

i like snow a lot ^_\

Alex C. Ford said...

I listened to the song "Life Less Ordinary, and it's dern good. :D

[Shigubaru] said...

Live a life less ordinary
Live a life extraordinary with me


Gabe said...

dood my favorite number is 13 also, epic.