Sunday, November 23, 2008

I'm So LuCkY, lUcKy :DDD

WEE!!!!!! ~sings~ I'm so lucky, lucky. I'm so lucky, lucky!!!!!!

... O.o

Well Charlotte told us that we needed to write a blog about what we're grateful so... :3

HERE I go!!!!!! :D

I'm grateful for my friends who put up with my insanity and crazy, random thoughts... O.o Seriously guys, DEMY HEARTS YOU!!!!!!! T~T Also for putting up with my stupidity on most topics brought up! XD You guys are the best friends a sitar playing, water loving girl could ask for!!!! ( you guys know what I mean ;) *wink*) (Oh, and Brendon...SASHA IS NOT A LIE!!!! D<) I'm so glad you are my friends and I'm thankful for all the laughs and silly moments we share. I'll never forget that and you guys make me so happy that the happiness I feel is impossible to describe accurately with words. You make everyday brighter in my life. Happy Thanksgiving guys!!!! :clingsandhuggles: You guys make my existance worth while.

I'm also grateful for Jen and KellyJane on youtube!!!!! :DD They're the best Kingdom Hearts cosplayers ever!!!!! ^///^ And they make me smile with their videos!!! Their Demyx & Axel wedding video is what got me through that research paper T~T IT GAVE ME THE STRENGTH TO GO ON!!!!!! It also made me so happy that I started crying! I hope one day they get married for real!!! :) They're so perfect for each other! ^///^ SEE?

:sniffles: THEY'RE SO AWESOME!!! ~ T~T They also have silly videos too XD Here's one...

MEGA LAUGHS XD oh and sorry if the "orgy meeting" part alarmed anyone! "Orgy"
to them means Organization and it's meant to stand for The Organization 13 Meeting!!! I suppose it came out wrong! Nasel Voice! Sorry XDD GOODNESS GRACIOUS, GREAT BALLS OF FIRE!!! >D

Next, I'm grateful for my school (I know...cheesy but I really am.) I'm glad I can be myself there and I don't have to hide who I am. I'm also happy that people don't treat you like a defect for being different from someone there. I'm happy to be me.

I am also grateful for the comic The Adventures of Saix Puppy by ToastedRabbit. Anyone that likes Kingdom Hearts will think it's hilarious!!! So go check it out!

I'm grateful for candy, sitars, my family, the Internet, that I'm alive, the understanding from the people who understand (o.o), crayons, pencils, paint, trees to hide in, my puppy Aitana, my birdie George, my big yellow umbrella, my innocent little brain (ha, ha), my heart (which I know I have despite what Xigbar says!), my cat ears, flowers, the person I love, writing, being able to hear music, the sitar song, the caramelldansen song, and ummm...

You know what? There are just too many things to be grateful for I could list for years. I feel my heart will explode from the strain of it all! It's hard to just list things because you know that there is always going to be more to be thankful for as soon as you stop xD! It's amazing to think that we take so much for granted in our everyday lives. Which leads to the next thing I am grateful for in my life. I had never really thought about it until Thanksgiving Day when my grandma brought out the photos after dinner. When I say photograph I mean the REALLY old ones. They were the ones that were taken when my sister, my uncle, my brother, and myself were all just babies and toddlers. :) It was nice to reminisce about the past and laugh. It made me really appreciate the fact that I have a family. They may drive me absolutely bonkers sometimes but at least they are there you know?

I'm thankful for my emotions!!!!! Good and bad because frankly, I've had emotional constipation and it's not fun. I know that sounds epically funny but when you feel nothing you cannot feel the good or the bad. That is a horrible situation, trust me, I know. Hearts exist for a reason and even though they cause us indescribable and overwhelming pain at times the happiness they supply is worth it all. Not only that but we have the ability to love and for me, that is the most amazing gift ever felt.
Well, I am going to stop writing now because I might just keep writing until tomorrow O.o and that I am guessing would be exceedingly boring for you! So Bye Bye! *waves*

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